Monday 1 June 2015



India, can be said a region of the World, and which has in past Times, often been compared, and to speak too of Africa that is. A region in all, and that does now in all even equate to speak of Africa that is, and in speak too now of India, and as said Sub-Continent too, and as versus speak too of Africa, and as said truly Continent that is. The reason though, and for in all, truly associating India, and on this Blog, with Africa, does very much have to do, and with speak of it said in all, possessing truly, a said even, strong Commuter Identity that is, and that does in all even mirror, that said African too. That India, is now too, perceived, and in speak of Indian lives, and as said too, paralleling those said African, and in further speak now, and of both India and Africa, and as now said too associated, and with the very said phrasing in all, and of their both being on 'the Fast Track of Development' that is.

Said here Commuter Identity, and in India, does have to it, primary in all, differences that is, and to that seen in Africa. For while Commuter Identity and in Africa, does in all even arise now, and in speak here too, and of Escapism and in Psychology, and if not in speak too, and of the Subliminal that is, that in India, is believed in all, and to arise, and with speak of the Dispossessed that is. In having said that, that the History of the Commuter in all, and in India too, is believed said even, and to arise, and in speak too of Trial in itself, is to now too, view or speak in all, and of the very manner in all again, the History and of the Commuter in India, has in all even come to visibly shape India in itself, and as now said a Sub-Continent too that is.

That in India, speak of the Possessed, is believed now truly, and to speak too of Indian Nationalism in itself, and if not in further speak too of Bollywood in itself too that is. In saying that, Commuters in India, do in all even arise that is, and with speak too of the Dispossessed, is to now too, speak in all, and of the very rise of Industry in India, said Modern too that is, and that does in all even see migratory Workers, and in Skill and Talent too, said in all even, and to travel from the South of India too for instance, and onwards and to the Himalayan North too, and in basic speak here, and of said Indian Talent, brought together, and in speak too now truly, and of the attempt to in all re-invent/redefine India and in Wealth, and away too, from speak of Caste, and onwards, and to speak now too of Insourcing/Outsourcing that is.

India though, and as said too now, and on 'the Fast Track of Development' that is, now does in all even refer, and alongside speak here of Africa too, and of the said troublesome nature, and of the very best manner in all, and to go about, defining Ancestral Identity that is. That in speak of Africa, such Identity, Ancestral, is in all even not believed said Commercial, and as that in India is believed said to be, but that in all again, Ancestral Identity and in Africa, now said too referring, and to the Dispossessed post that is (Link). India though, and as said now too, hiving and thriving in its ways, and in speak too of its said Commercial Identity that is, is now said tied intimately too, and to speak too of the search for Ancestral Identity in India, and one too, and that has in all even seen India, do away with its past in all, and in speak too now and of Religion and in India today, said very much even Commercial in its ways truly that is.