Monday 25 May 2015

The Subliminal

The Subliminal.

In asking many a person, what they would in all say, and when asked in all, 'Could you in all again, summarize that is, Africa, and in a said paragraph that is?'. If many were to be asked such a question, then the very word in all, and of Orature, would in all even come into play that is. This all said too, and for an Africa and in said Consciousness too in all, is often simply believed, and truthfully too, to speak of one term/word in all: Trouble/Troubles that is [and if not of the Dispossessed too in all].

In having said that, is to now speak too, and of Commuter Identity in Africa, and as simply said in all, often truly tied, and to speak too, of Religious Imagery that is. That this Imagery in all, and as said too, and to consist of simple Messages in all, is not well understood by most, and other than in speak of associating it all, and with Politicking, and in further speak too and of the term/word of Pandering that is.

In all, and in speak of an Africa in all, and as often perceived, and from speak too of Trouble/Troubles that is, is to now too, associate in all, the very name of Africa that is, and with speak of Consciousness, and not History truly either. That this Consciousness, that does speak too of Trouble/Troubles in themselves, can be best said associated, and with speak truly, and not only of the Message that is, but in speak truly now, and of the very word/term of Subliminal that is. That the Subliminal, now does refer to one, and in speak too of Dream Psychology that is, but in speak too now of, Commuters, and in Africa too, life in itself, and as truly discerned or 'made out', and in speak too of Distances/Lengths (traveled) that is. 

Hopefully, this is all understood, and in simply asking, what the Subliminal truly is. To speak of it all, and in speak of Distances/Lengths that is, is to now associate the Sublime in itself, and in speak too of Access too, and with speak of the Indirect in itself that is. That in all again, the Direct, now does speak too of those said Possessed truly, but in speak of the Subliminal in all, it too now, associated truly, and with speak of the Misdirect/Misdirected that is, and with it all even truly referring and to the said believed fact that, life, and for the Commuter in all, does speak truly, and not of Intelligence or Intellect truly either, but in speak truly now, and of simply knowing in all, the said even, exact/precise Distance/Length, one in all has to travel that is, and in succeeding and in anything one does [and in speak now too, and of one and as said a Scientist/Technician too that is]. This said exact/precise Distance/Length in all, is perhaps believed in all even, said encoded in all again, and in speak of the Subliminal, but in further speak too of Messages, and as believed said even encoded, and in African Religious Imagery too that is.