Friday 15 May 2015

The Dispossessed

The Dispossessed.

What in all, does 'the Dispossessed', truly in all mean? It can in all perhaps, be said now, to very much speak, and of Pointing out, African life in all, and to many a person, and in speak too and of what does pass for Maturity, and Seriousness, and in Africa too that is. That the very word/term in all, and of Dispossessed, does carry with it, many a Political connotation to it all that is, and that in certain said Circles, has in all even come to speak truly, and of the African races in themselves, and as said differing and from the rest that is. That in all, there are those out there it is often said, ready to Dispossess one, and off their Heritage, Right, Name, History etc.

In understanding all this better, is to in all even, ask truly, and of what does pass for, or encompass for truly, and for an African life that is. That Africa and in a said general sense, has in all even come, to be truly associated, and with speak of Nubian 'Civilization' that is, and as with it all even said, to speak of African History in itself too. This is believed in all, a fallacious belief of a kind, for it can be agreed upon by most, that the origins of life in Africa, and in speak now of African culture, does in all even truly speak of Commuters that is. Commuters too, and in speak now and of African Traditional Beliefs, and that do in all even speak truly, and of African Worship, and as said to speak too of the Egun/Ancestors, Guardian Ancestors, and if not of the Egungun too that is. That African Worship in all, does actually speak of the Dispossessed, and not of the Possessed either, and who are in all even, said associated now, and with speak of African Religion that is [or of Traditional African Beliefs too].

The Dispossessed, and as said too, having their right and on this very Earth, to in all even live the best of lives, said denied that is, and in speak now too, and of whom/who in all, Africans, are said to be, and in Identity, and as said Ancestral too that is.

In having said that, is to now truly ponder in all again, and for what does pass for the Possessed, and in Africa, and as versus speak of the Dispossessed too that is. That 'the Possessed' in all, now is believed too, and to speak of African life, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of two things:

1. Sacred Objects: and of they speaking and of one, and as said Possessed too, and if not of the very term/word of Olorun too that is.

2. Shamanism: and in speak too now, and of often said Secretive African Beliefs too that is.

In understanding all this too clearly, is to now ask, what in all, are those in Africa, said in all even, to be Dispossessed of? It in all, now does speak too, and of what does pass for Evil in Africa, and in speak too of African Identity, and as said Ancestral too. That this in all, now does associate Egypt for instance, and with speak of Ancestral Lineages, speak of Ancestral Images and of Christianity too, or in speak too of Ancestral Blood, and of most of the World that is. That hopefully, all this is understood, and in now saying that, alot of acrimony in all, has been spread, and alot of Blood too shed in all, and as said in all again, and to very much speak and of the very History, and of what one could term the Ancestral that is (and in Identity too), and on this very Earth in all. That alot of Competition on this Earth, is in all even believed said, truly driven, and by speak of the Ancestral that is.

Does Africa in all, have a Secret History to it? It can be said to in all even, have such a History that is, and if and only if, one can truly understand, what does pass for Ancestral Identity, and in Africa too. The very belief by some that, it is African Blood, and not African Genes truly either, and that are held by some, and as said the very key, to understanding the very often said, Secret to life that is.

The ability though, to in all even make sense of the above, now does lie and in speak of African History, and as said grounded in all, and in speak of Commuters truly that is. That African History, is often misrepresented by most, and as said to speak of Settlements/Existences, and if not of lowly societies too, and in further speak now, and at its very best, African History that is, said now and to speak truly of Markets that is. Markets too, and that do in all even become regional in their ways, and in speak too now, and of Africans and as said Sailors in all, and which does in all even speak in the very least of Central/Western African History, and as simply said to speak of Commuters that is. The Swahili Coast though, does in all even develop in a said similar fashion, and in further speak too of 'Great Zimbabwe' that is.

What though, does pass for African Ancestral Identity? It in all, and in speak too of Commuters that is, is believed said even now, to refer, and to the very belief that, African societies in all, and when truly observed, do in all even hold the Key, to fully enjoying in all, and if not fully appreciating, life in itself that is, and something too in all, often believed said to speak of the Ancestral. In helping give one a better glimpse of all this, the very belief that, African culture, is in all even and in many a way, associated in all, and with speak of the following three:

1. The best said Present Order.
2. Prohibitions and Advisory
3. Transmutation

Hopefully, the above is well understood, and in now saying that, in a World truly defined and by speak of the Ancestral in all, and of the Possessed too (and in speak of Africa that is), many a person, does suffer from speak simply even, and of sibling rivalry for instance, and in their search in all, and for Individuality for instance [hopefully again, the understanding that, the Ancestral in all, does very well speak too, and of whom/who in all, one is, and upon waking up, and ten minutes later too that is].

In all, Africa, and in the Ancestral, not said easy to define, and in saying that, it does speak too of Commuters and of the Possessed, but that in all again, and of those who do in all even, truly define themselves in the Ancestral, and in a said African fashion too in all, and in speak now truly, and of the believed said Secret History of Africa/the World, and which does in all even speak, and of those, who do come to truly, own life that is.