Sunday 17 May 2015



In asking now, and of simply where in all, is Africa, is said to be that is, is to now speak of it all, and as said too, referring, and to just whom/who in all, the Possessed, are said to be that is. That this in all, now does speak of African Religion and as perceived as such, and as simply said here, best associated, and with speak of Sacred Objects in all, and not of Shamanism truly either [for the latter in all again, does speak of the Possessed, and as said Commuters too that is].

In having said that, the very view now that, Africa, and as perceived in all, and from Sacred Objects too, and as said African Religion too that is, now does speak and of the very regions in all, and of Chad, Central Africa, and of East Africa too that is. In all, such Religion, African, and that does in all even speak of Scared Objects, now said too, very much organized in all, and in speak too of Private African Society that is, and that does in all even simply speak in all, and of the Bamileke-Bangwe peoples, and of Cameroon/Chad too that is.