Thursday 14 May 2015

The Possessed

The Possessed.

The very said here, term/phrase in all, and of 'the Possessed', does in all even speak and of the very said Meaning/Purpose in all, and of this very Blog too that is. That in speak of the Possessed, speak now truly, and of Africa in all, and as said defined in all, and in speak of Commuters, and of Commuter Lifestyles too that is. That in speak now, and of the said too perhaps, Polemics/Debate in all, and in regards and to speak of, if, and if not, what they do call Possession, is actually said to be real, now does speak truly, and of Africa's in all, Historic it is best said here, relationship, and with Egypt too that is [and not with Europe either]. That it is the Egyptians, and as said Mediums too, and if not in further speak now and of race, and who/who are in all even believed said to enter many a state of Possession that is, and in speak now truly, and of Religious practice in itself. In having said that, is to tell one that, Biological in all, differences, are believed said to exist, and between those said Egyptian, and those said African too, and in now saying that, Africans, and in speak of Religion and that does speak of Possession, does in all even speak of the Possessed in all, and/or of one, and as simply said Possessed that is, and by a Guiding/Guardian Spirit too for instance.

In saying that, African lives, are truly defined in all, and by speak of the Possessed that is (and not of Possession in itself), is to now speak too, and of Africa's believed even said, tumultuous relationship/relations in all, and with Europe/Spain too, and Historically that is, and as said to refer, and to Europeans in all, and as said heavily even, objectifying, African Lives, Bodies and Personas too that is, and such that, it is in all even believed said that, Europeans in all, do in all even go into states of Possession that is, and upon coming across Africa, and in speak too now, and of 'the freeing of ones Spirit/Will' for instance, or in further speak too, and of Embodiment in many a way (and of Egypt too that is), and if not in speak of Hatred and of Denial too in all. In all, the above does speak and of a said complex relationship in all, and that does exist between Europe and Africa/Egypt, and as versus speak of Europe and Italy too, for while Europe does borrow from Italy, Europe on the otherhand, does in all even seek, to Possess Africa that is, and in speak too now, and of life and as said defined, and in speak of Morbidity/Mortification that is [and of the very History of Europe too it is said by some, and that does speak too of Ancient Britain for instance, and of European Morbidity/Mortification that is].

In speak of the Americas in all, speak of the Possessed, and as versus speak of Possession, now does have those in the Americas in the very least, associated and with speak of the name/reference in all, and of the New World, and of Egypt too, for Possession in all, now does speak and of the very name too, and of Christopher Colombus that is. That Civilization and into the Americas, now said to arrive, and via speak of Possession, and in speak truly now, and of Myth, and that does best speak of Egypt, and not of Italy truly either. In saying that, the mentioned view, does in all even disregard, speak of what does pass truly for Civilization and in the Americas too, and as already said existent, now is best said perceived in all, and from speak of Possession (and of the Conquistador too), and not of Intellect/Intelligence truly either, for Africa in all, and outside speak of Egypt too, does have a differing view in all, and of the Americas, and in Civilization that is. That Africans in all, are in all even said Impartial, and to American lives too (and in speak of the Americas that is), for it does not only speak of Africans, and as said Slaves and in the Americas that is, and as willing to protect/retain their Heritages/Religion/Blood in all for instance, and as said to now refer, to whom/who in all, Africans are said to be, and as said the Possessed that is. That in the Americas, Civilization in all, does arise and amidst talk too now, and of Desecration, and of Consecration too that is. That it is via the Americas in all, and that one does see Africa in all, and as it truly is, for it does in all even refer, and to the very fact that, speak of the Possessed, and of Guiding/Guardian Spirits in the very least, now does speak too of one, and as said defining oneself in Body, and in regards and to speak of Desecration (or in speak of the Possessed, and of untainted Bodies too), and if not in speak of Consecration that is [and of the Possessed, and in speak of Idolatory too that is]. That Africans in all, do in all even reject, the above said even, notions, and of said even American Religious life that is.

In saying that Africa, does accept Central Asia, and as simply said too of a similar Gene in all, and as versus speak of the Middle East, is to now say that, Shamanism, is very much said Central Asian and African too, and in speak now and of Religion and in the Middle East that is. That African Civilization, and as versus that said Central Asian, does in all even fail to arise, and in speak of Africans and as perhaps even said perceived by some, and as said Lazy and to the bone too, and in saying that, Central Asia and in Civilization/Myth, does in all even truly arise, and with speak of Egypt/Macedonia, and in speak too of Egyptian Shamanism that is, and Shamanism too, very much African that is. In all, Shamanism, simply asking of one, what, is said even the one thing truly, one do es in all even truly acknowledge, and as said even, a Paramount Truth too that is.

The said History of Asia, is often believed said to take a rather different Course, and from the rest of the World in many a way, and in speak now too, and of Buddhism in itself that is. That the Ancient Gods of Asia, are in all even said Buddhist too, for the rest of the World in all, now does speak simply of Iraq and in Civilization too that is [and with Africa now, simply said even Arab too that is]. However, Asia, does differ from Africa, and in speak too of the Possessed, and in speak now and of the very term/word of Object that is, and as said to refer and to the Sacred too in all. That Asia today, is in all even said driven by Consumerism in itself, and in Aspiration too, but with Africa, now said too, a part of the often said Secret History of the World, and in speak of Object, and of the Possessed too that is [that in speak of Islam too for instance, and of the Kaaba Stone, and as now said too, very much Egyptian that is].

In all, this very Blog, will in all speak of African Religion in itself, and as simply said to refer in all, and to the Possessed, and not in speak of Possession in itself truly either.