Tuesday 23 June 2015



The very word/term of Collateral, might be known, and to those in all, and who do create Identity, and as said Commuter too, African, and in speak too now, and of said African definitions too, and of Wealth that is. 

Many today though, and in speak now too of Commuters Africa that is, do in all even persist, and in attempting to create, Identity, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of the United States of America too, and in Prospect that is. That the United States of America, is believed said in all, a place, or Country too, still very much mired, and in many a said here antagonistic issue/matter in all, and that does have to do, and with speak of Race, Ancestry, History, Wealth, Education etc. Despite all this though, most still, do in all clamour, and in attempting to in all even minimally, find their place, role or position too, and in American society, and as said even to speak of Psychology, and as said too basically associated, and with speak too of the said Psychological Boost for instance.

When those in Commuters Africa and so to say, do in all even think, and of the United States of America, it is best now, to think of it all too, and from the said History, and of Slavery, and in Virginia State too that is. A History too, and that does say, Slavery in Virginia, did in all even, accommodate all and as best said too that is, and in speak now of Slaves, and as said Young/Old, White/Black (Indian), and if not said too, European/African, and if not in speak too now, and of said agreeable Interracial unions for instance, or in further speak too now, and of Slavery in Virginia, very much today said too, and to speak of NGO practises for instance.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Slavery in Virginia, does in all even appear, to have operated, and in regards to Wealth Creation, and in speak now truly, and of Collateral that is, and as versus speak now, and of Slavery, and in the United States of America too, and as often said associated, with speak of Capital, and Capitalist Systems too that is [that Collateral, does too, speak, and of Subsistence Agriculture, and in Africa too that is].

In all, and in now attempting, to spearhead, Wealth Creation (and in a Day), and in Africa too, is to perhaps, present now, a said even, offhanded manner in all, and of defining Collateral that is (and as said even Psychology too):

1. Distancing
2. Compatibility
3. Collusion