Thursday 25 June 2015



When we do in all, speak of Vicissitudes, we are too, now referring, and to our said, definitions too, and of Impartiality that is. That in speak of Impartiality, and as most would know it, perhaps now, speak of it too, and as said referring, and to speak of Pain, Wound or Injury too that is. In saying that, from a said even, scientific stance in all, Impartiality now, is said to in all even refer, and to speak too perhaps, and of Free Energy in itself that is.

However, this entry, now does speak too of Vicissitudes, and in regards to speak of Impartiality, and from the said stance of the Bible, and which does in all too, and remarkably so, tell us that, 'God did create Man, and in his very own Self-Image' that is.