Thursday 25 June 2015



When we do in all, speak of Vicissitudes, we are too, now referring, and to our said, definitions too, and of Impartiality that is. That in speak of Impartiality, and as most would know it, perhaps now, speak of it too, and as said referring, and to speak of Pain, Wound or Injury too that is. In saying that, from a said even, scientific stance in all, Impartiality now, is said to in all even refer, and to speak too perhaps, and of Free Energy in itself that is.

However, this entry, now does speak too of Vicissitudes, and in regards to speak of Impartiality, and from the said stance of the Bible, and which does in all too, and remarkably so, tell us that, 'God did create Man, and in his very own Self-Image' that is.



Many out there, have probably heard of the said phrasing, and of 'Mother Africa', and of 'Mother India' too that is. This said parlance in all, could too, be said lost in meaning, and to many a person, and who does in all even equate it all, and to speak too of Rallying Support for instance. 

In helping one though, see it all, and for what it does truly mean, is to now associate 'Mother Africa', and with speak of Slavery and Colonialism in Africa, while 'Mother India' in all again, does speak of India, and as it did very well arise too, or in speak and of just about anything said standing, and in infrastructure too, and in India today too that is. In all, the said belief here that, any said Progress or Development, and in building Community too, is said in all, to arise, and with speak of many a said person/people, and as said coming together, and in helping attain or achieve too, a certain said Goal too that is.

In saying that, all this too, does speak and of India, and as often said rich in History, is to now too, speak and of where India, does too, meet Egypt/Africa that is. That in speak now too, and of said Community building for instance, one does find Sensualism (and in speak too of Cordiality in itself), said very much a part of Egyptian History that is. In speak of Africa, speak now too, and of Sexualism (or the referring to/of Women, and as said even, 'the Fair Sex'), and as said even, and in its most base forms too, said even, a part of African Custom that is. In speak of India, Sentimentalism, is now said to speak too of Indian Identity, and in Community building too and so to say, and vis-a-vis, speak of Egypt/Africa that is. In saying that all these three though, do too, speak of the very rise of India, and to Civilization too that is, is to also now say that, Socialism, and Communism too, are too, said both African and Indian, and in regards and to speak of Community building that is. However, in saying the above, is simply used to attain or achieve, just about anything said foreseeable in its ways, or of any said foreseeable Goal too in all, is to now say that, India today, and as said even Wealthy, and if not said Poor too that is, is believed said defined as such, and by speak of Methodicism in itself that is [and in speak too, and of the very said term of Recourse that is].

This entry though, now too, does say that, we could in all even, very add, another said term/word, and that does mirror those mentioned above, and which does too in all, speak of Seasonalism that is. For Seasonalism in all, does not for instance encompass in all too, speak of Secularism for instance, but that Seasonalism, and in regards and to the attaining or achieving of Goals, now does associate it all, and with certain said Time factors too, for it does too in all, speak of Time in Africa, and as perceived even and in speak primarily of said Daytime, and Nightime too, or in speak now too and of Time, and as said to speak of early morning, morning, noon, early afternoon, late afternoon, evening, night etc., but in further speak too now, and of an Africa, and as said even possessing, changing rhythms, cycles, moods, beliefs etc., and on an almost daily basis too, and in base speak here too now, and of what activity is simply said defining of African life that is, but that in all again, speak now too, and of Indian Food Rituals too for instance.

Tuesday 23 June 2015



The very word/term of Collateral, might be known, and to those in all, and who do create Identity, and as said Commuter too, African, and in speak too now, and of said African definitions too, and of Wealth that is. 

Many today though, and in speak now too of Commuters Africa that is, do in all even persist, and in attempting to create, Identity, and that does in all even refer, and to speak of the United States of America too, and in Prospect that is. That the United States of America, is believed said in all, a place, or Country too, still very much mired, and in many a said here antagonistic issue/matter in all, and that does have to do, and with speak of Race, Ancestry, History, Wealth, Education etc. Despite all this though, most still, do in all clamour, and in attempting to in all even minimally, find their place, role or position too, and in American society, and as said even to speak of Psychology, and as said too basically associated, and with speak too of the said Psychological Boost for instance.

When those in Commuters Africa and so to say, do in all even think, and of the United States of America, it is best now, to think of it all too, and from the said History, and of Slavery, and in Virginia State too that is. A History too, and that does say, Slavery in Virginia, did in all even, accommodate all and as best said too that is, and in speak now of Slaves, and as said Young/Old, White/Black (Indian), and if not said too, European/African, and if not in speak too now, and of said agreeable Interracial unions for instance, or in further speak too now, and of Slavery in Virginia, very much today said too, and to speak of NGO practises for instance.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, is that, Slavery in Virginia, does in all even appear, to have operated, and in regards to Wealth Creation, and in speak now truly, and of Collateral that is, and as versus speak now, and of Slavery, and in the United States of America too, and as often said associated, with speak of Capital, and Capitalist Systems too that is [that Collateral, does too, speak, and of Subsistence Agriculture, and in Africa too that is].

In all, and in now attempting, to spearhead, Wealth Creation (and in a Day), and in Africa too, is to perhaps, present now, a said even, offhanded manner in all, and of defining Collateral that is (and as said even Psychology too):

1. Distancing
2. Compatibility
3. Collusion

Monday 15 June 2015



The said word Kandake, Nubian too, is believed said even, and to directly in all, translate, and into Candace, and in English that is. In all, why the said word Kandake is believed, of importance here, is because, it does now too, refer, and to the very manner in all, the Family Unit, and in said here too Commuters Africa, is in all even constructed that is. That the very world of the Candaces, was said defined, and by those, in said perpetual Possession that is, for that in all, is believed too, said, the ultimate goal of life, to be in a state of perpetual Possession that is, and in regards now, and to a life, simply said lived, and in ease truly that is.

Thursday 11 June 2015

The Private Investor

The Private Investor.

Whom/who in all, is the Private Investor, and into Africa, simply said to be? In now saying that, he/she in all, does truly in all even, present himself, and from speak too of Ancestral Identity that is, is to now say too that, they are in all even believed, to in all even attempt to solve Africa's said problems that is, and as said even Ancestral in their ways, and in regards and to a said formation, and that was in all even presented, and in a previous post that is:

1. the best said Present Order
2. Prohibitions and Advisory
3. Transmutation.

While the last, has often been associated, and with speak too of Nightlife (and if not Hi-life too), and in Africa that is, what we are in all even attempting to say here, is that, Ancestral Identity, and as now said too marked by the above three forementioned, now does too, take a Power Formation/Structure to it all, and that does speak too, and of Ruling, Governing and if not Controlling (Assets) Families that is. In all, and in speak of History here too, the very manner in all, Civilization, and in Central Asia, that said Macedonian too, is in all even believed said, and to arise that is.

Monday 8 June 2015

The Carrier

The Carrier.

What in all, are we referring to, and when we do speak of the Carrier that is? It can in all even basically be said, and to refer, and to those said Commuters too, and as simply said defined, and by speak of Humour that is. That there are those though, and who would associate speak of the Carrier, and with a Psychology, and that does in all even speak too of the Commuter, and whereby, the said two Sides of Man (in Win/Defeat), does in all even refer, and to Man, and in Ignorance/Innocence that is, and alongside speak here too, and of the said two Parts/Halves of Man, and as said now best to refer, and in speak of the Commuter, African, and as said now defined/described, and in speak too of Idioticy/Insolence that is.

In attempting to make all this too clear, is to now too, speak of the Commuter, African, and as very well said associating, life in itself, and with speak of the Passage that is [and if not of the Safe Passage in itself too]. In saying that, the very world in all, and of the Passage, and in speak too of the Commuter, has in all even come to be truly associated, and in both India and Africa too, and with speak of Smuggling, Human Trafficking, Drugs/Arms Trafficking, Organized Crime etc., is to now too perhaps, refer, and to most, and as simply said seeking Safe Passage, and in regards and to everything they do that is [and in further speak here too of the Misdirect/Misdirected, and if not of Subliminal Messaging in itself too that is].

In all, what is been said here is that, speak of the Carrier, now does too, speak of those simply said Commuters, and in regards to speak of life in itself (and if not of African Markets too), and which now too, does speak of those in Africa, and as said Possessed in all (demonic), and as now aspiring to Ends in all, and that do in all even speak of Egypt, Europe, Italy, and if not of India too that is. That Possession, said Demonic too, and in speak of Ends, and of Egypt, now does ask of one, and of the very manner in all, they do define Maturity/Seriousness, and in their very lives too that is. In speak of Europe, and said even to speak too of Demonic Possession, speak now, and of the very manner in all, one does define, Goals/Incentives that is. In speak of Italy, speak now and of Prayers/Offerings, while in speak of India, Demonic Possession, and in speak of the Carrier (Imagination) too, now does speak and of the very manner in all, one does define Status/Success that is.

In all, what we are trying to get at here, and in speak of the Carrier, is to now speak too, and of the very manner in all, we do believe, the loftiest of our Dreaming/Dreams that is, could very well come true, and in now associating it all too, the Carrier, and with speak too of one and as said the Carrier of a Virus/Disease, and which does in all even ask of us, to simply define ourselves, and in speak of the following Psychology, and which does too speak of African Christianity that is:

1. Whom/who you are.
2. Whom/who you think you are.
3. Whom/who you truly are.
4. Whom/who others think you are.

Monday 1 June 2015



India, can be said a region of the World, and which has in past Times, often been compared, and to speak too of Africa that is. A region in all, and that does now in all even equate to speak of Africa that is, and in speak too now of India, and as said Sub-Continent too, and as versus speak too of Africa, and as said truly Continent that is. The reason though, and for in all, truly associating India, and on this Blog, with Africa, does very much have to do, and with speak of it said in all, possessing truly, a said even, strong Commuter Identity that is, and that does in all even mirror, that said African too. That India, is now too, perceived, and in speak of Indian lives, and as said too, paralleling those said African, and in further speak now, and of both India and Africa, and as now said too associated, and with the very said phrasing in all, and of their both being on 'the Fast Track of Development' that is.

Said here Commuter Identity, and in India, does have to it, primary in all, differences that is, and to that seen in Africa. For while Commuter Identity and in Africa, does in all even arise now, and in speak here too, and of Escapism and in Psychology, and if not in speak too, and of the Subliminal that is, that in India, is believed in all, and to arise, and with speak of the Dispossessed that is. In having said that, that the History of the Commuter in all, and in India too, is believed said even, and to arise, and in speak too of Trial in itself, is to now too, view or speak in all, and of the very manner in all again, the History and of the Commuter in India, has in all even come to visibly shape India in itself, and as now said a Sub-Continent too that is.

That in India, speak of the Possessed, is believed now truly, and to speak too of Indian Nationalism in itself, and if not in further speak too of Bollywood in itself too that is. In saying that, Commuters in India, do in all even arise that is, and with speak too of the Dispossessed, is to now too, speak in all, and of the very rise of Industry in India, said Modern too that is, and that does in all even see migratory Workers, and in Skill and Talent too, said in all even, and to travel from the South of India too for instance, and onwards and to the Himalayan North too, and in basic speak here, and of said Indian Talent, brought together, and in speak too now truly, and of the attempt to in all re-invent/redefine India and in Wealth, and away too, from speak of Caste, and onwards, and to speak now too of Insourcing/Outsourcing that is.

India though, and as said too now, and on 'the Fast Track of Development' that is, now does in all even refer, and alongside speak here of Africa too, and of the said troublesome nature, and of the very best manner in all, and to go about, defining Ancestral Identity that is. That in speak of Africa, such Identity, Ancestral, is in all even not believed said Commercial, and as that in India is believed said to be, but that in all again, Ancestral Identity and in Africa, now said too referring, and to the Dispossessed post that is (Link). India though, and as said now too, hiving and thriving in its ways, and in speak too of its said Commercial Identity that is, is now said tied intimately too, and to speak too of the search for Ancestral Identity in India, and one too, and that has in all even seen India, do away with its past in all, and in speak too now and of Religion and in India today, said very much even Commercial in its ways truly that is.