Wednesday 14 October 2015

Conscious States

Conscious States.

This entry, now does attempt to deal, and with what Conscious States, are in all even said to be all about. That it all too, is believed said here, and in said regard, and to speak off this very Blog, to in all even have to do, and with what too, is believed said to speak of Africa, and in Crime, Violence, Abuse, and if not in speak of Human Rights Violations, and of Human Atrocities too that is. That it all too, does have to do, and with African definitions in all, and of Awareness, and that could too best be said here, and to speak of, and of said 'Rites of Passage' that is.

That in simply now saying that, African Identity, and in speak of Conscious States, can too be said to refer and to speak and of Africa in Name, it now though, is to claim that, or say too that, African Identity, does too encompass, speak of Unconscious States (African Healing practises), Altered States (Divination / Diagnostic practises), and if not of Possessed States (Medical practises) too that is.

In all, and in simply attempting to make one aware of the above, and if not awaken one to it all, is to now attempt and to speak and of what does pass for Conscious States, and as simply too said Religious in their ways, and in speak and of African Religion, and of the African Divinities too that is:

1. Perception: And as said too, defining one, and in Social Identity in itself, and in speak now and of grounding Perception in itself, and in Social Identity too that is [and if not in speak, and of what is said too Black, and of what is said White too that is].

2. The Carrier: It all now too, said to speak and of Political Identity and in Africa, and with it too said wide-ranging and if not varying, and in meaning too, for the Carrier, not only does speak of a light Aircraft for instance, but does too speak of one, and as said a Carrier. and of a Disease or Virus too, but speak of it all too perceived truly, and from speak and of the Pros, and Cons, and of it all that is.

3. Condition: It all said too, to speak of Spiritual, Physical or even Living Conditions, and of Identity too, said Economic, and if not in speak of it all, and as said too perceived, and from speak, and of what too is said, Hard, or Soft too that is.