Monday 7 September 2015

Social Development

Social Development.

This entry, will deal with a said issue/matter in all, that most in Africa, or in said speak here, and of Africans that is, do in all dismiss, or neglect too, and as said too not of benefit that is. That Africans, might be involved in many a Pursuit, and that does too have to do, and with speak of Law, Health, Education, Politics, Money, Religion, Family etc., and with it all said perceived and from speak of Logic, African, when in said reality here, change in Africa, or speak too of chaos, can too be said, not only Political that is, but in many a way too, it all said hinting, and at what the Evolutionary, is said to refer to that is. That Africa, is not truly defined and by speak of Revolution, or of the Revolutionary too, but in speak now truly, and of the Evolutionary, and as said to refer, and to speak of the Original too for instance.

That in now too saying that, Evolution, and the Evolutionary too, are simply said many a thing, is to in all too attempt, to classify it all, and as said Darwinian, and that too said African that is. That in speak of that said Darwinian, speak now, and of Man, and in Adaptation too, and to his said Environment, or Climate too, and such that, it is in speak of Darwinian Evolution (and of Man and his Tools), and simply where, Africa, or Egypt too, does too meet, the rest of the said World that is. In however though, attempting to point out that, this Blog, does perceive Evolution, and from a said even Darwinian stance, is to now though, speak of Evolution, and as said too African. For this Evolution, now does refer, and to speak of Instinct (Evolutionary), Natural Selection, Typing (Type/Fit) / Stereotype (Link), and that too, simply said to speak of Gene Theory that is [and in speak too, and of what does pass for Redundancy, or Repetition, and in our said lives too for instance].

In all, this Blog, does in all even attempt to present Darwinian Evolution, and not from speak truly of Social Darwinism that is (Link), but from speak truly, and of what does pass for Social Adaptation in itself, and if not of Social Development, and in speak now truly, and of Social Capital too that is. In all, the very belief that, the said purpose or meaning of life, now is too believed, to speak, and of the said too accumulation in all, and of Social Capital in itself that is.